Digitally She Does It Podcast

EPISODE 92 Mindset shifts every online entrepreneur needs for success

Karen Davies Season 1 Episode 92

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In this episode of The Digitally She Does It Show, we're diving into a transformative topic: mindset, and how it can shape the success you achieve in your business.

I’ll be exploring why cultivating the right mindset is key to unlocking your entrepreneurial potential. Whether you're just starting out or are already seasoned, your mindset is crucial for overcoming obstacles, staying motivated, and building the resilience needed to thrive in the fast-paced world of online business.

Join me as I break down the essential mental shifts that can elevate your business, including moving from a fixed to a growth mindset, embracing failure as a stepping stone, and focusing on progress over perfection. 

I’ll also share personal stories and practical strategies to help you avoid burnout and celebrate those small wins that truly matter.

Don't forget to visit The Digital Creators Hub at for exclusive resources to kickstart your online business journey.

So grab your coffee, get comfy, and tune in for actionable insights that will empower you on your path to digital success!


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Karen Davies [00:00:00]:
Hello and welcome to the Digitally She Does It Show. This is episode 92 and in today's episode, I'm going to be talking about the mindset shifts that every online entrepreneur needs in order to achieve success. So let's jump right in and let's get started. Welcome to the Digitally She Does It Show. I am your host Karen and I'm here to lift the lid on what it actually takes to create a successful business. If you are an ambitious creative ready to build a business on your own terms and without compromise, then this podcast is perfect for you. With my award winning approach to marketing, and expert knowledge in creating online courses, this show will leave you feeling inspired, energized, and ready to bring those big dreams to life. Join me each week for a dose of motivation and marketing know how along with actionable step by step strategies to help you accelerate your businesses grow.

Karen Davies [00:01:01]:
So, let's dive in and don't forget to subscribe to all my upcoming episodes which drop every Wednesday. Hello and welcome. Thank you for joining me today. I'm your host Karen and I really do appreciate you hitting that play button to listen to today's episode. Now, if you are an avid listener of this show you know that I get to talk about my favorite things. I get to talk about the entrepreneurial journey, creating online products like courses and digital products that you can sell in your business, and how to build a thriving business online. But one of the topics that I think is really important that as entrepreneurs we need to be talking about and be aware of is the power of our mindset because whether you are starting out or perhaps you're already on your way, your mindset is going to be the key to whether you achieve success or not. But before I dive into today's episode I just want to quickly talk about the digital creators hub.

Karen Davies [00:02:16]:
This is your one stop shop for getting started online. It is a treasure trove of resources that I've put together to help you on your digital journey. Now it's completely free. You will find resources, templates, you will find my favorite tools in there, you will find a load of stuff that's going to help you to get started. So if you are not currently in the Digital Creators Hub, then head on over to www.karenhyphendavies.comforward/hub and go and access these resources. These resources have been pulled together to help you to get started and now is the time to bring those online business dreams to life and get started. So head on over to the hub, sign up, it's completely free and start your digital journey today. So back to today's episode and as I mentioned today we are talking about mindset.

Karen Davies [00:03:27]:
Now entrepreneurship, especially in the online space, isn't just about having a great product or a brilliant marketing strategy. Of course, those have a place, but actually what's really important is the mindset that you bring to the table because this is what is actually going to make or break the success that you actually have. Now often this can be overlooked because it's not always thought about, but actually we need to be thinking about it because it is essential. How we think about things will determine how we feel about something and how we feel about something is going to influence how we then show up. So we need to make sure that we've got the right mindset in place. Now think about it, you can have the best business idea in the world but without the right mindset, how are you going to push through when times get tough? And if there's one thing that I know to be true about being an entrepreneur, is that you will experience highs and lows and everything in between. And if you do not have that right mindset in place, how are you going to stay resilient when things don't go to plan? The online space, however dynamic it is, it is fast paced and it's just constantly changing. And that means that there are unexpected challenges that actually will come your way and that's where your mindset is everything because it's going to be the thing that keeps you going when your sales slow down, when the algorithms change because let's face it, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, all of those big social media platforms, they're in control of the algorithms.

Karen Davies [00:05:37]:
We're not. So if they decide to make a change, we have to go with it even if it ultimately impacts how many people see our staff and what results we get. Or if you're in the online space and you face criticism for something that you've done whether be a product, whether in your membership, whether, I don't know, you've done something and you get some kind of criticism online. It's your mindset that ultimately is gonna help you to bounce back from those setbacks. It's also gonna help you to be able to dig in and find that motivation that you're going to need to keep you showing up day in and day out. And it's also gonna be the thing that protects you from burnout because this is real for entrepreneurs. It is so easy to find yourself in that place where you're just exhausted, you're tired, you're disillusioned and ultimately burnt out. And how you bounce back is going to be the power of your mindset and how strong it is and whether or not it's in the right place.

Karen Davies [00:06:52]:
It doesn't matter how many strategies that you have or how many tools that you have at your disposal, ultimately it's going to be your mindset that's going to fuel your success. So today I want to talk about the mental shifts that you can make that can set you up for true long lasting success so that you actually thrive in the online space. Now the first thing I want to talk about is the difference between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset because ultimately this is going to determine how you see things and actually I think this is one of the most important shifts that you need to make. Now a fixed mindset is believing that you are limited and that you do not have the power to ultimately change the outcome. So you're thinking maybe you're not you don't have the ability to do something, maybe you don't feel like you've got the talent to do something, maybe you think that what is currently your reality is set in stone. You're either good at something or you're not. It's as simple as that. So a fixed mindset is very black and white.

Karen Davies [00:08:10]:
You're not thinking about what you can do. You you have a belief that you're only good at certain things. Now a growth mindset on the other hand means that you believe that you have the ability to develop, that you can, with effort, you can learn and you can grow and you can evolve. You are more open to what could be. And I think in the digital world where things are constantly changing, algorithm algorithms are constantly shifting, and new technologies are constantly coming out, and and therefore your customer's needs are always evolving. If you are stuck thinking I can't learn this, I don't have the ability to do this or I'm just not good at it, then actually what that means is that in order to achieve that success that you're after you're going to struggle because you're not seeing what could be. You've decided that what you think is right is right. You're not preparing or you're not believing that you have what it takes to change your current reality.

Karen Davies [00:09:33]:
However, if you have a growth mindset you're going to be asking powerful questions. You're going to be looking at what is around you and thinking, how can I improve this? Or how can I learn to adapt? What do I need to do in order to achieve my goals and the success that I desire? So it's a very different way of thinking and I think in the online space we need to have that growth mindset because ultimately that's going to be where the magic happens. And I think it's really important to start seeing challenges as opportunities to grow not as roadblocks. If a product launch fails or you create an online course and the first time you launch it, your launch doesn't go to plan, it's not a sign that you're incompetent, that you can't do this, that you don't know what you're doing. It's just a chance to learn, to adapt, to evolve and simply to do better next time. Because every failure or every time something doesn't go the way we wanted it to go it's an opportunity to learn and when we learn we grow and when we grow we evolve. And as entrepreneurs we are in this unique position where we get to grow and we get to learn new things and we get to be innovative and we get to be creative and we get to do all the things that we enjoy doing. So I think your mindset is going to influence ultimately the outcome that you're going to experience.

Karen Davies [00:11:26]:
So I think it's really important that you move from having that fixed mindset of I can't do this to a growth mindset of believing that what you want is possible and you have what it takes to make it happen. The second thing is about accepting that failure is just part of the journey as well and I think this is a biggie because a lot of entrepreneurs, a lot of business owners fear failure because let's face it, nobody wants to fail. Nobody wants to fail. When I start businesses to fail, however, failure at some point is inevitable because we don't know everything. We don't know what we don't know until we know it and so we have to learn it. And part of that learning can sometimes be failing because the best way to learn sometimes is the best way to fail. I ran Facebook ads and I'm not a Facebook ads expert, far from it, and I didn't know what I was doing, But I figured it out. I figured it out because I failed because I didn't do very well and I spent money on ads that didn't perform the way I needed it to perform.

Karen Davies [00:12:55]:
And so I had to learn, I had to get better, I had to evolve my skills and develop. And I think from doing that, from knowing where I come from to where I am now, I have a better idea. So I needed to fail because I needed to see what wasn't working so that I could change it and do better and that's all it is. It doesn't matter whether it's a product that doesn't sell as expected or maybe your website crashes. Every online entrepreneur at some point or another will face failure. The key is to stop seeing failure as a full stop and start seeing it as a simple comma in your entrepreneurial journey. Because in the digital space things can go wrong in a matter of seconds and how you respond to failure will determine your long term success. So instead of letting setbacks demoralize you, you need to look at it as feedback.

Karen Davies [00:14:08]:
If you run a webinar and you only get 4 sign ups, look at it as an opportunity to deliver value to those 4 people that have signed up. Don't look at it as failure. Don't look at it as a case of oh, I'm rubbish. Nobody wants to come to my webinar. They're not interested in what I have to say. I can't do this. Look at it as an opportunity to test out your content, how you deliver it, how you interact with your audience, and also how to get feedback as well. Turn it into a positive and accept that at some point or another everybody's gonna go through it.

Karen Davies [00:14:52]:
Everybody's gonna go through it. A few years ago I started running webinars as part of, my marketing and I was really bad, like, proper bad at it. I would put a webinar in the diary. I would so I'd schedule it. I'd get everything ready for it and then I'd cancel. I'd get a few sign ups because I half heartedly promoted it. Then I would panic as the date got closer and then I would cancel it. So in my mind, I was failing because I wasn't delivering the thing that I felt like I should be delivering in order to support me with my marketing efforts, with my online course sales, with building my email list.

Karen Davies [00:15:44]:
So that was part of my failure. I had to go through that. I love webinars. I love master classes. I love delivering them online now because I had to shift my mindset. I had to go through the failure in order to kind of give myself a talking to and I remember sitting there thinking this is really bad because people are actually signing up, They're expecting me to show up and I'm cancelling. I am cancelling at the last minute. How awful is that that I'm letting people down? Why am I doing this? And it was because I had a block and I felt like I couldn't do it and that it wouldn't be good enough and that I would let people down.

Karen Davies [00:16:30]:
And so I let that fear get in the way and then that influenced my behavior. So I had to really give myself a really good talking to and I had to push through that fear so that I could actually do the thing that I knew would move the needle in my business. Now a couple of years later, I'm running master classes on a regular basis and I have to say I really enjoyed them, but I had to go through that failure. I had to figure out what was preventing me from running them. What was getting in my way? What was my problem? What was I scared of? The failure mattered at that point. It was a real learning piece for me because it it was almost like holding up a mirror and looking at myself and being like actually I don't like how I'm showing up and I don't like what I'm doing because I'm being unreliable and I know I can offer that value so why am I not doing it? But, as I said, I needed to go through that, I needed to go through that learning piece and I pushed through, I came through the other side and now I run master classes on a regular basis. So sometimes we have to put ourselves in uncomfortable situations in order to learn and in order to grow so that we can do what we need to do. Is it failure if you keep going? I don't actually think so.

Karen Davies [00:18:02]:
I think it's only failure when you give up. The next thing is about stop focusing on being perfect all the time. I don't know about you guys but this is again, this is something I'm so guilty of, that perfectionism. Before I launch anything it has to be perfect. Perfect for who? Because my idea of perfection is very different to somebody else's. So what that's doing, that's stopping me from progressing and I'm sure I'm not alone in that as well. That desire to make everything perfect whether it's a website, a product, or an email funnel, whatever it is, it's when you constantly tweaking and refining and ultimately overthinking. I was working with a client on a website and we were working on it for over 2 years.

Karen Davies [00:19:06]:
And this client had copy done, had images done, but the website never got built. 2 years later the website was still not built because of the procrastination and the need for it to be perfect. Done is better than perfect because with done you can get traction, you can build momentum. If you wait until every aspect of whatever you're doing is flawless, you'll ultimately miss out on opportunities, on feedback, on building momentum and we need to be building momentum in our businesses. So instead of focusing on perfection, focus on progress. Launch, you know, your something in your business quickly. Get something out there. Gather data around it and just improve as you move along because it doesn't matter whether you're creating a website, whether you're creating your branding, whether you're creating an online product, it's going to evolve over time because you're going to evolve and the way you see things is going to evolve.

Karen Davies [00:20:29]:
And the beauty of digital products is that you could iterate very quickly and you can adjust based on real world feedback. So rather than spending months months months or years creating the perfect online course, you just need to get something done and out there so you can get that feedback. Because it's only when you get that feedback you can make changes and you can move it more towards it being perfect. Because here's the thing, how you see perfection can be very different to what somebody else thinks of perfection and so ultimately it's subjective. And if something's subjective how can it be true? It's only true in your mind. So you need to stop focusing on things being perfect and get whatever you're working on out into the world so you can get that feedback and you can iterate as you move along. And by doing that you're going to build that momentum and also the confidence as well. And when you have that confidence it will influence and impact your behavior in so many other ways.

Karen Davies [00:21:48]:
Now also the other thing that really impacts our mindset is taking the time to celebrate those small wins as well. Entrepreneurship is a long game and our motivation can naturally fluctuate. 1 week we're all in it. We're all, you know, getting it done and in our flow and we're winning and we're achieving and all the good stuff and then the next week it can just be we can just feel flat and we can lose that momentum in a heartbeat. So one of the most important mindset shifts is to make sure that we're celebrating those small wins along the way because it's so easy to get caught up in the big picture, in those big goals and not realizing that on your way to achieving those big goals you're also achieving those small wins that actually makes a difference. One of the things that I do is whenever I get some great feedback or somebody leaves me a really amazing review or something that lights me up, that makes me feel good about what I'm doing, I try and capture it. And I have a place online where I store it all. And those time, you know, that time of the month where, you know, there's that dip of energy and I'm feeling like I'm climbing Everest and everything feels so hard and challenging, that's where I go to because that's where I go and I get lifted by the things, the lovely, lovely things that people have said.

Karen Davies [00:23:33]:
When I ran my masterclass last time I sent out feedback forms. I got amazing feedback. Oh my god. I think somebody just left. I remember somebody leaving me a review that almost had me in tears because what they said was so lovely. So I capture it and I look at it when I need that pick me up. So do that. Have somewhere that you can store things that's going to make you feel good, that's going to remind you that you're doing a good job and that you can do this.

Karen Davies [00:24:08]:
It might be a favourite quote, it might be motivation, it might be an affirmation, it doesn't matter. It might be a client review, it may even be a conversation you have. Make notes about it, journal about it, store it somewhere safe and when you need that pick me up go and have a look at it. It will do wonders but make sure that along the way you're picking up on those small wins because that's going to make such a difference to you. Don't just focus on the end game, celebrate the small milestones and you'll stay motivated for the duration. And then the last thing that I just want to touch upon and this is equally important, it's really important to take time for self care as well. It is really important not to allow yourself to get burnt out. It can be very overwhelming at times, you know, that that thing of hustling 247 in order to gain more clients, sell more products, do all the things, it can be exhausting.

Karen Davies [00:25:19]:
The truth is long term success comes from sustainability, not from constantly working and so you need to bring things into your routine that's going to help you relax, rewind and refill your cup so that you can do the things that you need to do. It's not about working hard, it's about working smarter. It could mean that you need to set boundaries between work and personal time. If you're feeling as though your work is encroaching on the time that you're spending with your family, maybe you need to do something in order to put boundaries in place. Making sure that you take regular breaks throughout the day. Planning holidays where you actually completely unplug from work. It's not about working harder. It's about making sure that you are at your best so that you can be there in your business without sacrificing your mental and physical well-being.

Karen Davies [00:26:32]:
So if you're not already then I encourage you prioritize self care. Go for a walk, go swimming, go and have a coffee with one of your closest friends, go and do something that just makes you feel happy and joyful because it's so important that as we run our businesses we're looking after ourselves so that we can show up as our best self. So there you have it. These are really important mindset shifts that I I believe that every online entrepreneur needs to incorporate in order to achieve that success. So just to recap, it's about having a growth mindset Knowing that you have what it takes to achieve your goals and make what you desire happen. Number 2. It's accepting that failure is just part of the journey and it's how we learn and being okay with that. Number 3.

Karen Davies [00:27:43]:
Stop focusing on being perfect. Perfection does not exist. Focus on progress. Number 4 is about celebrating those small wins. Make sure that you note down all those milestones, all those positive reviews, anything that makes you feel like you can do this or that you are moving forward on your journey. And then the 5th one, the final one is about taking time for self care. Looking after yourself, Making sure that you have exactly what you need so that you can show up and do what you need to do to achieve that success. So whether you're starting out on your digital journey or maybe you are already on your way, making these mental adjustments will help you to navigate the ups and downs of building a digital business.

Karen Davies [00:28:53]:
Remember this is about mindset. Use mindset as part of your strategy and shifting how you think about growth, failure, perfection, motivation and self care is going to make a huge difference to your long term success. Thank you so much for tuning into today's episode. I hope you found this episode of value and of course please do feel free to share it with others who you may think will also benefit from listening to today's episode. If today's topic has sparked some inspiration and you're you're eager to dive deeper into building your online presence and creating a digital business, then please go and visit my website You will find lots of things there that's going to help you get started online. And if you are ready to create your online course with confidence and with ease, then go head over to my website www.karen davies.comforward/membership because for just £45 a month, which is less than a cup of coffee a day, you will have everything that you need to get your online course up and running in no time. I will be back next week for another episode but until then have a great week.

Karen Davies [00:30:32]:
I hope you enjoyed this episode of the digitally she does it show. Don't forget to check out the show notes for all the links and resources mentioned in today's episode. New episodes drop every week on a Wednesday. So, why not rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Thank you for tuning in today and I will see you next time.