Digitally She Does It Podcast

EPISODE 84: Time-saving strategies for entrepreneurs

Karen Davies Season 1 Episode 84

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In this episode of the Digitally She Does It podcast, I'm excited to share some of my favourite time-saving hacks that have helped me stay on top of my game while juggling the demands of running an online business and being a busy mum. Join me as I open up about the importance of seeking support, delegating tasks, and utilising productivity tools to make every minute count.

We'll also chat about the necessity of taking regular breaks to recharge and how embracing automation has transformed the way I work.

Get ready to dive in and discover how you can reclaim more time for what truly matters in your business and life. Listen to the full episode to find out more!


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Karen Davies [00:00:00]:
Hello and welcome to the digitally she does it show. This is episode 84 and in today's episode I'm going to share some time saving hacks for getting stuff done. So let's jump right in and let's get started. Welcome to the Digitally She Does It Show. I'm your host Karen and I'm here to lift the lid on what it actually takes to create a successful business. If you are an ambitious creative ready to build a business on your own terms and without compromise, then this podcast is perfect for you. With my award winning approach to marketing, an expert knowledge in creating online courses, this show will leave you feeling inspired, energised, and ready to bring those big dreams to life.

Join me each week for a dose of motivation and marketing know how along with actionable step by step strategies to help you accelerate your businesses grow.

Karen Davies [00:00:59]:
So, let's dive in, and don't forget to subscribe to all my upcoming episodes which drop every Wednesday. Hello and welcome. Thank you for joining me today. I am your host Karen and I really do appreciate you hitting the play button to listen to today's episode. In today's episode I'm going to be sharing some tips on how you can get stuff done quickly and to give you that time back. But before I do I want to talk about the Digital Creators Hub. Now this is your one stop shop to getting started online and the best thing is that it's completely free. So what is the digital creators hub and why do you need to go and access it? Well, if you are an aspiring digitallpreneur looking to create an online business then what I've done is I've created this hub especially for you.

Karen Davies [00:02:02]:
I have included lots of different resources in there that is going to give you the information and the clarity that you need to get started online. I've included guides, essential tools which also have valuable insights and support so that you can start your digital journey because it is overwhelming and what I've tried to do is break it down by providing resources that's going to help you. I've also included a business planning tool so that you can actually plan your business online. Now I use a tool called Notion. It's my favorite tool that I use. I cannot live without it and I have created a template that you can use to plan out your digital business. And this will be a great place for you to crystallize your goals and work out your actionable steps that you need to take to move forward. Now I've also included templates and I've listed my favorite tools that have helped me to build my online business because sometimes you just need a steer.

Karen Davies [00:03:16]:
And then the most recent thing that I've added is a couple of master classes where I'm literally walking you through how you can create impact by creating an online course and what you need to do to get started. So if you have an idea in your head, a seed of an idea that you're looking to bring to life then go and check out my profitable course idea workshop that because that is what's gonna help you get started. Now this hub is completely free and it's my way of thanking you guys, my listeners, for showing up and listening to this podcast. Now to access the hub, all you need to do is head on over to my website

We're now in Q2 and there's no better time to get started with your online business than now. So go and enjoy these free resources and let me know how you get on. Okay. So back to today's episode and today I'm talking about how to get some time back in your business and I'm gonna share some tips that will help you to just to get more out of your day Because the truth is running a business means that you're having to wear so many hats and juggle so many balls often more at any given time.

Karen Davies [00:04:48]:
And then if you have a family and other responsibilities outside of your business then that's a pull on your time as well. And it's we wanna be as efficient as what we can be when we're working in our businesses so that we're maximising that time that we're working so that we're not working all of the hours trying to get stuff done. Now for those of you who are avid listeners of my podcast you'll have noticed that I did not release an episode last week because I was taking some time out and spending some time with my family because here in the UK it was Easter and the kids have been off for 2 weeks and so it's the perfect time take a break and just to take my foot off the gas and, like I say, spend some time with the family. Now what's really lovely about having that holiday is that it gives me time to review how I'm approaching the things that I'm approaching in my business. So it's great. The kids lots of fun. But as I said, you know, it's quite full on because the kids are young and there's always so much to do. And so taking that time out to review enables me to come back with a fresh pair of eyes so that I can change and shift things so that I can get more out my day because I just feel that time just runs away all of the time.

Karen Davies [00:06:31]:
Friday comes around so quickly and there's always so much to do. So I think being able to have that efficiency and and a process and a way of doing something that streamlines and makes things as simple as possible, I think is a really key part of running a business because as I said we we are stretched in so many different areas that otherwise it can be it can be completely exhausting. It's interesting because when I first started my business back in 2017, naively I thought that I would only be doing the thing that I wanted to do to support my clients. And at that point, I was working in the website space and I was helping clients with their websites. And I thought that part of my business or a large proportion of running my business would be creating these websites. And what I soon realized was that actually that was only really a small percentage of the work that I would be doing because what I hadn't taken into account is all the other things that I would need to do in order to be able to attract the business. So the things like the accounts and the marketing, you know, writing copy, designing, like, things to promote my business, attending networking groups, having meetings with people, having one to ones with people, you know, but implementing systems, looking at my onboarding process, like, the, you know, the processes and all of that stuff that you need to have in place to be able to run as efficiently as possible. And and even now even now I know this it's still there's still so much to do all of the time and I'm in a fortunate position there, I have a team and I get that support.

Karen Davies [00:08:45]:
But at the moment I'm developing sort of new ideas and that's a pull on my time as well. But I still have to be there to be able to support my clients and to do the stuff that brings in the money. So it's really interesting that even though we think we have a lot of time ahead of us in the course of a day, I work 6 hours so I have to be really smart with those 6 hours before my kids come home so that I can then spend that time with them. So I need good systems and good processes in place so that I can actually finish my work when I need to so that I can actually spend the time with my children. And even when you're creating an online business there is still stuff to be done. That stuff doesn't disappear because there's always a proportion of work that needs to be worked on. It might be the fact that you're updating your product or you're developing new ideas or you are creating lead magnets or you're running Facebook ads or you're doing doing some kind of promotional activity alongside your accounts and finances and all of that stuff as well. So it it is really interesting when you start on this path of having a business, the the pull on your time becomes so much more because of all those other things that you maybe you've not considered or maybe have kind of you you've real you've ended up doing without realising it in the first place.

Karen Davies [00:10:14]:
So I think it's really important to be aware of how you're approach in what you're doing in the course of a day and making sure that you do have the right processes in place, you do have the right support system there so that you can actually finish on time and walk away not feeling like you haven't attacked your to do list leaving lots of things still to be done. And so that's why in today's episode I just wanted to share some tips so that if you are somebody that is just constantly buried under your to do list never feeling like you're quite getting on top of it, hopefully these will be of value and will really help you to just start to get some time back. So my first tip is about prioritising tasks. Now this is something that seems pretty obvious, doesn't it? Of course, you know, if if you've got a list, you know, in your notebook about all the things that you need to you need to do in the the space of the day of course you're gonna prioritize your tasks. But this is something that I find interesting with my husband because in the house when we're talking about what we need to do he will always go for the easiest job not the job that takes priority which I find really interesting because I suppose over the years I've sort of trained myself to always be led with the priority task. But I realize that not everybody thinks like that and sometimes it's tempting to go for the easy stuff on the list because you're gonna get those done quickly and you're gonna move them off your list so you're reducing your list down. The problem is by doing it that way you're gonna end up having the priorities left and not getting them done. So they get moved down the list and then they they're not prioritized.

Karen Davies [00:12:14]:
So I think first and foremost, always start with your priority tasks. I think it's so easy to get overwhelmed by having a long sort of to do list. So as you need to identify the most important tasks first and then only focus on getting those done because what will happen is that you'll make significant progress in a lot less time because you're only going to be focusing on the key things that need to be focused on. Remember we've got to work smarter not harder. So if we focus on the key things that are going to move the needle for us then we're just going to feel like we're more in control of our day. So my second tip is about really nailing your goals. Understanding what it is that you're working towards. I think this is so important when it comes to moving your business forward.

Karen Davies [00:13:15]:
If you don't know where you're going, how do you know how to get there? You need you need something. You need something that you're working towards. And I think this is something that can often get overlooked. Now at the time of this recording we are, what, the 2nd week in April. So quarter two's just started So, therefore, you should have some kind of idea on what your goals are for quarter 2, and these goals need to set you up to achieve your annual goals. So I think it's really important that you get really clear on what your goals are so that you can make a plan, and that plan is gonna move you towards actually achieving the goals that you have set for yourself. Because I think whatever happens in our businesses, we don't really want to be staying stagnant. We want to be moving forward, and we wanna have an idea on where we're going and where our business is taking us as well.

Karen Davies [00:14:13]:
Now one of the things that I'm working on and I have been working on predominantly this year is my membership because at the beginning of July, I'm going to be launching my membership, which is always all going to be about helping entrepreneurs create their online course. And and this membership has it's been a long time in the making so what I wanna do is create an experience that people could come into where they're fully supported and that they have everything that they need to create and sell their online course. But, of course, in order for me to launch my membership there is a ton of work that I have to get done before I can even really start marketing it. So, obviously my goals are very specific and very timely because I've got a deadline. I'm launching on the 1st July. I'm building a wait list, and I am focusing my energy on making sure that I get everything done that needs to be done so that I can launch and do everything that I need to do on time. So setting clear goals is going to be paramount for me to achieve the thing that I've set for myself. So do you have something in your business that you're currently working towards? Do you have a plan? Are you trying to get yourself somewhere? Are you trying to, I don't know, increase your revenue, increase your client base, build a product in your business or do something very specific that you need to really focus on.

Karen Davies [00:15:50]:
Now if the answer is no, then you do need to kind of really think about what it is you're trying to achieve. Because this is what's going to ultimately move you forward. It doesn't have to be anything massive, it doesn't have to be launching a membership or launching an online course or doing all the things. But I think it is really important to have something that you can channel your focus into. And it might just be a case of you know what? This goal for Q2 is about streamlining my processes, making sure my business is running smoother so I can deliver a better service. And that's absolutely fine because ultimately that's gonna help bring in more clients and generate more income. It doesn't matter what it is I think you just need to have something very clear, very concrete that you're working towards. Because there's no doubt about it when we have a goal we have focus and when we have focus we can stay motivated.

Karen Davies [00:16:47]:
So it doesn't matter what things are thrown at us through life or family or school or whatever, if you're focused and you know where you're going you're more likely to stay the course and I think ultimately that is the point. We need to have something in place that we can really sort of focus our energies on but also something that we can measure against as well to see how well we're doing and and whether our business is actually going in the right direction that we actually want it to go in. So it's just about being in control of where you're going rather than just passively moving along with no real idea. So if you struggle with that then go into my hub because I have resources in there that's gonna really help you to get clear on what your goals are. Goal setting is really important. I have to admit I do struggle with the whole 90 day planning. I can't get into them the the the real sort of details of doing that. I find that in my process focusing on the overarching main goal then helps me to to sort of think about my monthly goals.

Karen Davies [00:18:03]:
I don't think I'd do it probably how everybody else does it but you know what? That's okay because I'm I'm aware of what I need to achieve and I will work and do the things that need to happen for me to achieve it. So ultimately it doesn't matter how you get there what matters is that you have something that you're focusing on and you know where you're going. So my 3rd tip is about delegating tasks. So I've spoken about this before and this is something that can be really challenging for people. I know this is an area I struggle with. Coming from a service based business where I'm usually in the driving seat seat doing things for clients it can sometimes be challenging to hand things over because I'm so used to doing. If I want something built I'm used to going and building it. If I wanna send an email to a client then I'm used to going and doing it because it's it's what I've done in the past.

Karen Davies [00:19:07]:
But over the past year or so, I've really focused on bringing support in so that I get that help because I do recognize that it's really difficult and challenging to do all the things and show up and be all the things to everybody and sometimes we do just need help. So I think delegating tasks is really important even if it's tasks that, you know, may not take somebody very long to do but just actually clears clears you gives you time back so you can focus on other things that ultimately is going to generate you income or move your business forward. Now I know this could be a real game changer so I do think it's worth really persevering persevering I struggle to say that word, if you are trying if you're somebody that struggles with this because getting that time back can then free you up to think about the things that you actually do need to spend your time on because that'll be where you'll grow and and make money and actually make a difference in your business. Now again I'm I'm gonna reference the hub. In the hub I've got a free resource where I talk about all the things that you can outsource to give you time back in your business. So again, if you're not in the hub, please go into the hub and download this because this is going to be valuable resource to help you start thinking about what it is you can outsource in your business. So if you haven't joined the hub go to www.pinkhyphenlemondigital.comforward/hub and go and sign up. But I purposely created this resource because I come across so many other entrepreneurs that are just burning themselves out because they're doing everything and they're spending all their time chained to their desk having to get things done.

Karen Davies [00:21:15]:
And it's just not possible. We're not meant to do this alone. We're meant to be collaborative and we're meant to bring support on board and that's how we grow. And so we need to kind of shift mindset around that to allow other people in to help us because that's the thing that's going to make a difference and ultimately take your business to the next level. Okay. So my 3rd tip is about using the right productivity tool that's actually going to help you. So if you are somebody that is scared of tech then please do not fear because there's lots and lots of tools out there that are really simple to use but will help you to really streamline your processes and to just help you get some time back by helping you to be more efficient about the way you do things. Now I've spoken about these tools before but my favourite which I absolutely do love and I could not do what I do without it is a tool called Notion.

Karen Davies [00:22:22]:
It's completely free but what it does allow me to do is to work through processes that I run-in my business and to also be a vault, if you like, for everything so that not only do I know where everything is but but I can I can set things up in a way that really supports me? And I'm somebody that I wanna have creative control on how I present things, how things sit. And, you know, sometimes I like columns, not a table, and I like to have blue instead of pink and all that good stuff. And what I love about Notion is that it's completely flexible. You can build out whatever it is that you need to build out to support you. And the great thing is also is that they have a free library of templates to help you get started. They have everything from, you know, if you want some help with your bookkeeping and you want to log your expenses you can get a free template to support you or maybe you want to create a social media plan that's gonna help you be more consistent online so that you can deliver your social media content in a consistent way then they have templates for that as well. So you could just sign up for free, go and get a template, fill it in and there you have it. You have something that's gonna support you and ultimately give you that time back.

Karen Davies [00:23:52]:
Now the other tool that I use, not so much now because I use Notion, is a tool called Trello. And again, that's a really great tool for just simplifying processes and just write writing notes and just presenting things in a way that helps you to get clear on what it is you're doing. So go and check out these tools. Again, it they're in the hub. I've got links to them in the hub, but I do endorse these because both tools are really powerful. And and when used in your business, they can actually be a game changer. They can really help you to gain clarity and to streamline and to just make sense of the stuff that you're doing. I don't particularly like having lots of files and documents everywhere.

Karen Davies [00:24:42]:
I always think that I file things in the right place and it all makes sense at the time and then I go to look for it and I can then find it. So again with Notion, everything I have is all in one place. And the great thing about Notion is that you just embed pages like like they nest. So like a bit like a website. You'll have a page and a page and a page. You can create that so easily which means that everything that you need is always going to be in one place. You don't have to search high and low for stuff. So absolutely go and check these out, they're brilliant tools and they're going to make such a difference in your business.

Karen Davies [00:25:20]:
Okay my 4th tip is about taking regular breaks. Now we do need to practice self care because we have to look after ourselves and our mental state and how we are performing, and so we need to take regular breaks to help us stay focused. And again if you're like me I don't particularly like taking a break because sometimes it can disturb a flow that I'm in but actually when I force myself and I go out and I go for a walk and I go and do something away from my desk, I find that I come back a lot more energized and a lot more fueled to get the stuff done that needs to get done and actually my productivity increases because I've had a break. So if you don't do this then I recommend you do do it because it will make a difference in your day. And also, more importantly, it's going to keep that fatigue at bay as well. Because when we're staring at screens for a long time it can really make us tired and it can really exhaust us and that's what eventually will lead to that burnout. So look after yourself, take some time, practice self care and treat yourself to a walk, to a coffee, whatever you need to do but go and take those breaks and you'll come back so much more refreshed and ready to finish whatever it is you've started. And then my 5th and final tip is about automating where possible because that's going to give you time back so that you can focus in on other areas.

Karen Davies [00:27:04]:
Now it doesn't have to be that you automate everything, but what I want you to do is really think about tasks that you are doing over and over again that is taking your time and your energy. Ask yourself, what can I put in place to automate so that I'm not having to deliver this in person? Now it could be as something as simple as scheduling your social media content and automating that process. It could be something as simple as when somebody signs up to an email maybe you have an automated response set up that will then go out to them so that gives you time back in order to then, you know, go back when you're ready. But but really have a look at what you're doing and see where possible can you automate. There are things now online that we can use to really streamline and make things really simple for ourselves. So, for example, one of the things that I have in place is that whenever I get a lead into my business, I have an automation set up and things are sent to that person so that I don't have to be there to do it. If I put together a proposal, I have an automation in place that will send a contract once that person signs and approves the proposal. It means that I'm not sitting there waiting to then do the next piece of the process.

Karen Davies [00:28:38]:
I've got an automation in place to do that. When when somebody downloads a free piece of resource, I have something automated that goes out so that I'm not having to be there through the night to respond to them. Just because you are automating doesn't mean that you can't put your vibe into something. You can personalize things. You can make it align with your business and you can do this however is is fits in with your business. But I think the more you utilize automation, the more likely you're going to get time back in your business so that you can focus on the things that ultimately is going to move the needle. One of the great things about having a digital business is that when we build it, we set things up for automation. So if a customer buys a product, there is automation in place so that we're not having to be there in order to deliver something in real time.

Karen Davies [00:29:43]:
And it is a time saver. It's the gift that keeps on giving because not only do you get paid, you also get that time back because you're not having to be there in person. So think about what you can do in your business to start automating processes that's going to give you that time back. So there you have it, my 5 tips for getting some time back in your business. So prioritize your tasks, Make sure that you focus on the things that are important that need to be done. Set clear, concrete goals so that you know where you're going, what you're doing, and what you need to focus on so you're not wasting time focusing in on areas that is not gonna move you forward. Think about delegating tasks, bringing on a VA or somebody on board to help you because that will give you time back because if you're not focusing on tasks that take up your time you can actually focus on things that's gonna make you more money in your business. Use the right productivity tools.

Karen Davies [00:30:47]:
So go and check out Notion. Go and check out Trello. You've got other tools out there like Asana, ClickUp, Monday. Honestly there are so many tools out there but pick a tool and utilize and utilize it. Take regular breaks because that's what's going to keep you focused and motivated. And then use the power of automation because that's what's going to give you time back in your business. At the end of each day take the time to reflect and review on what you're doing and how things are working for you, and really go with your gut. If you need to tweak things then tweak them, but it's just about adjusting what you're doing so that you can increase the efficiency of what you're doing in the future.

Karen Davies [00:31:48]:
Being productive is not about being busy it's about being effective with your time. So I hope you found these tips useful and that they inspire you to take control of your calendar. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen to today's episode. I hope you found this episode of value and of course please feel free to share it with others who you may think will also benefit from listening to today's episode. If you are feeling inspired and would like to know more about getting started online, then don't forget to go and join the Digital Creators Hub by visiting my website .

I hope you enjoyed this episode of the digitally she does it show. Don't forget to check out the show notes for all the links and resources mentioned in today's episode. New episodes drop every week on a Wednesday. So, why not rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode.

Karen Davies [00:32:51]:
Thank you for tuning in today and I will see you next time.